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School Logo_edited.png

School Emblem

An emblem is symbolic of the values, virtues and heritage of an Institution. The emblem of our school is a shield which is symbolic of the strength obtained through unity of our Institution’s four forces that is our four houses. Inscribed on the shield is the pivotal motto ‘Love and duty’ which encourages all Teresians, old and new, to perform all their duties not under obligation but out of love.


The shield embodies the logos of our institution’s four forces.

The logo on the top left represents the House of Marions. The patroness of the Marions is Mother Mary and the color representing the house is blue. The Marions follow the motto ‘Love conquers all’ and the members of this house believe that they can sail through every obstacle with the power of love.

The logo on the top right represents the House of Teresians. The patroness of this house is St. Teresa of Avila and the color representing them is yellow. The motto followed by the Teresians is ‘God Alone Suffices’ and the  house members strive to exhibit deep confidence in God and face challenges with calm, looking upon life’s storms as opportunities to grow.

The logo on the bottom left represents the House of Flowrettes whose patroness is St. Therese and the representing color is red. The motto of the Flowrettes is ‘God is Love’ and members of this house should perform all their duties with devotion to express their love for God.

The fourth logo to the bottom right represents the House of Goretties. The patroness of the Goretties is St. Maria Goretti and the colour representing them is green. The motto of the Goretties is ‘Prayer changes people’ and the house members believe that God moulds us and holds the power to change people’s hearts.

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