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Parents Day

26th July, 2024 | Secondary Section

“ Parental love is the only love that is truly selfless , unconditional and forgiving .”
On the 26th of July we celebrated PARENT’S DAY , just to make it extra special for the parents , this year we had our annual PTA meeting on this day . So it was a PTA meeting cum parent’s day celebration . To welcome their parent’s the children had decorated the campus and their classrooms with colourful art work made by them .
On the 26th the parents were welcomed in the classrooms by the class teacher and they were asked to sit down . A beautiful prayer service was conducted in which we prayed to our lord almighty to bless our parents with good health of mind , body and soul . After the prayer service our principal addressed the parents and students about the importance of a parent in a child’s life and how the students are expected to respect and obey their parents .

A class wise small programme was held in each class , students sang songs and danced for their parents showing their love towards them , they even gifted their parents with the card they made . PARENTS felt happy and emotional watching the loved showered on them . Indeed it was a beautiful morning .

Then a PTA representative per class was elected and the celebration did not end but continued as all the students had decided it treat their parents in the evening .

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