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Centenary Celebrations - Inaugural Mass

On 27th June, 2022 to commence the Centenary year with a bang an Inaugural mass was celebrated at Sacred Heart Church, Santacruz. The statue of our patroness St. Teresa of Avila was carried in procession  from the entrance of the church to the altar, which was then followed by a prayer dance by the students of our school. After the prayer dance the Holy Eucharistic was celebrated by His Lordship Rev. Bishop John Rodrigues.  Amidst all the cheers and greetings the Centenary cake was cut. After which the statue of our patroness St. Teresa of Avila was carried back to school in a procession from the church which was led by the school band along with the Sisters,  Teachers, Ex- teachers students, Ex-students and Parents. A fellowship program was organised exclusive  for the present staff members , ex- teachers and PTA members.

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